Monday, 15 October 2018

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What is pongal.👇

Pongal is a Tamil harvest festival. It is same as Thanksgiving Day. In an agriculture based civilization, harvest plays an important role. The farmer cultivating the land depends on his cattle, timely rain and the Sun. Once a year, he expresses his gratitude to everything which symbolizes the harvest celebration. With the end of the wet month of Margazhi (mid December to mid January) the new Tamil month of Thai heralds a series of festivals. The first day of this month is a festival day known as "Pongal Day". Pongal means the "boiling over" of milk and rice during the month of Thai.

Bringer of Good Luck

As one stand on the threshold of the harvest season, everyone exchange Pongal wishes, hoping that it brings the harbinger of good luck, good fortune and good cheer. People wish each other good times, happiness, peace and prosperity. They also greet each other saying "Pongalo Pongal" and "Pongum Mangalam Engum Thanguga" in Tamil.

Happy pongal 2019 imgaes

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images
Happy pongal imgaes 2019

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