Thursday, 20 December 2018

Happy pongal wishes in tamil|happy pongal imgaes in tamil.

Happy pongal wishes in tamil|Tamil Pongal Wishes And Pongal Greetings in Tamil.

In this blog I am shere with you pongal wishes in tamil 2019.i hobe you like and shere with your relative this pongal wishes 2019.

What is pongal👇

Pongal is a Tamil harvest festival. It is same as Thanksgiving Day. In an agriculture based civilization, harvest plays an important role. The farmer cultivating the land depends on his cattle, timely rain and the Sun. Once a year, he expresses his gratitude to everything which symbolizes the harvest celebration. With the end of the wet month of Margazhi (mid December to mid January) the new Tamil month of Thai heralds a series of festivals. The first day of this month is a festival day known as "Pongal Day". Pongal means the "boiling over" of milk and rice during the month of Thai.

Bringer of Good Luck

As one stand on the threshold of the harvest season, everyone exchange Pongal wishes, hoping that it brings the harbinger of good luck, good fortune and good cheer. People wish each other good times, happiness, peace and prosperity. They also greet each other saying "Pongalo Pongal" and "Pongum Mangalam Engum Thanguga" in Tamil.

IN this blog i am shere with you pongal wishes in tamil.and best wishes for pongal in tamil .you send this wishes for your relitive and also i shere with you pongal wishes for your lover I hobe you like this wishes and  this blog.

Pongal wishes in tamil 2019|pongal wishes imgaes in taTam.

நல்லது நடந்தேà®±, சூà®°ியன் அவன் ஒளி கற்à®±ை உம் வாà®´்வில் வீச வேண்டுà®®்,
இனிய பொà®™்கல் தின வாà®´்த்துக்கள்!
Happy pongal wishes imgaes in tamil
Happy pongal wishes in tamil

இந்த இனிய பொà®™்கல் நாளில் வாà®´்வில் எல்லா வளமுà®®் நலமுà®®் அதிà®°்à®·்டமுà®®் பெà®±்à®±ு வாà®´ என் இனிய பொà®™்கல் வாà®´்த்துக்கள்!

இது உழவர்கான நாள், சூà®°ியனுக்கான நாள்,
எல்லா மகிà®´்ச்சியுà®®் கொண்டு நீà®™்கள் வாà®´ எங்கள் இனிய பொà®™்கல் வாà®´்த்துக்கள்

சூà®°ியன் தன ஒளி கற்à®±ை இந்த பூà®®ியின் à®®ீது செலுத்துவதை போன்à®±ு உங்கள் வாà®´்வில் மகிà®´்ச்சி பொà®™்கட்டுà®®்,
பொà®™்கல் வாà®´்த்துக்கள்!

à®…à®±ிவு, மகிà®´்ச்சி, வெà®±்à®±ி, புனிதம், வெà®±்à®±ி கொடுக்குà®®் வேலை,
இவையனைத்துà®®் இந்த இனிய பொà®™்கல் குà®±ைவில்லாமல் உங்கள் வாà®´்வில் கொண்டு வரட்டுà®®்,

பொà®™்கல் வாà®´்த்துக்கள்

குடுà®®்பத்தில் à®’à®±்à®±ுà®®ை நிலவ,
à®…à®®ைதி à®®ேலோà®™்க,
எல்லாà®®ுà®®் எப்பொà®´ுதுà®®் பெà®±்à®±ு வாà®´,
இனிய பொà®™்கல் தின வாà®´்த்துக்கள்!

Pongal wishes in tamil 2019.

Happy pongal wishes in english 2019

Happy Pongal to all of My Friends.
We thank the sun for burning_ himself to save us….
We thank plants _sacrificing their life for us.

               On this bounteous occasion May you celebrate with joy May happiness come to you In all abundance Happy Pongal!

                                                   Here s wishing you Happiness and prosperity On this Pongal May festivities be in galore


As you celebrate the festival of Pongal, with a lot of fervor and cheer, this warm greeting comes your way, with a world of good wishes for every joy and happines

May the mirth and merriment of the magical festival of lights give you endless moments of joy and love.Happy pongal 2019

Celebrate this day with a heart
Filled with cheer and fervor
Sending my warmest greetings to you
And to your family and loved ones this Pongal.
Pongalo Pongal!

You can also visit 

2)Happy pongal wishes imgaes 2019

3)Happy pongal qoutqu 2019

4) Happy pongal wishes in tamil

Request for you:
I hobe you like this and also you like happy pongal wishes in tamil.and happy pongal wishes in please request to you Shere this blog your frind and your lover.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Top 10+ Happy Pongal 2019 Images HD Wallpapers – Pongal Pictures 3D Photos Pics Free Download For FB & Whatsapp

 Happy pongal 2018 imgaes HD wallpaper_pongal pictures 3D photos pics Free download for fb and whatsapp.|

This artical I am shere with you happy Pongal imgaes 2019
I hobe you like it and share with your friends.
You can download happy Pongal imgaes 2019 and 3D photos pic free download facebook and whats app

What is pongal.👇

Pongal is a Tamil harvest festival. It is same as Thanksgiving Day. In an agriculture based civilization, harvest plays an important role. The farmer cultivating the land depends on his cattle, timely rain and the Sun. Once a year, he expresses his gratitude to everything which symbolizes the harvest celebration. With the end of the wet month of Margazhi (mid December to mid January) the new Tamil month of Thai heralds a series of festivals. The first day of this month is a festival day known as "Pongal Day". Pongal means the "boiling over" of milk and rice during the month of Thai.

Bringer of Good Luck

As one stand on the threshold of the harvest season, everyone exchange Pongal wishes, hoping that it brings the harbinger of good luck, good fortune and good cheer. People wish each other good times, happiness, peace and prosperity. They also greet each other saying "Pongalo Pongal" and "Pongum Mangalam Engum Thanguga" in Tamil.

Happy pongal 2019 imgaes

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images

Happy pongal  2019 images
Happy pongal imgaes 2019

You can Also chek ..👇

Happy pongal wishes 2019

Happy pongal quotes 2019

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Best 20 happy pongal quotes 2019.happy pongal quotes in tamil.happy pongal quotes for what and facebook

Happy pongal quotes 2019 .. Happy pongal wishes 2019 .Happy pongal quotes for whatsapp and facebook.

In this blog I am shere with you top 20 Happy pongal quotes 2019.i hobe you like happH pongal quotes 2019.

What is Pongal:Pongal is celebrated the day on which the sun begins to move northwards is called ‘Makar Shankranti’. In Tamil Nadu this festival is called the Pongal or Thai Pongal. The period is referred to as Uttarayanam and is considered auspicious. Pongal is a four-day festival.
The first day, Bhogi, is celebrated on the last day of the month of Margazhi. On this day, people decorate their homes. New vessels are bought and clean up home and environment.
The second day is Perum Pongal, is the most important. People worship Surya, the Sun God. Women decorate the central courtyard of their homes with beautiful kolams, done with rice flour and bordered with red clay. The Pongal payasam is cooked in the early morning during the sunrise, exactly at the moment when the new month is born.
So Read And Share Best Wishes Quotes For pongal 2019 With Your Friends And Family On Facebook, Instagram And Whatsapp. Find Great Collection Of Happy pongal Quotes for Office, Short pongal Quotes Sayings 
And Happy pongal Greetings Quotes For Lover.

Happy pongal quotes 2019
Happy pongal quotes

 Best 20 Happy pongal quotes 2019

   The sun does not shine there, nor do the moon
 and the stars, nor do lightning shine? All the diyas of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the Self. Merge yourself in this light of lights and enjoy the Happy pongal

 Let’s celebrate this pongal with more Lights than noise, simply because of the fact that noise and sounds die down early while Light still remains

   Warm pongal wish for you and your family. May this day fill your life with happiness and bring you joy and prosperity.

     May the divine light of pongal bring into your life peace, prosperity, happiness and good health. Happy pongal

Wish You Very Happy pongal
Sun glows for a day;
Candle for an hour;
Matchstick for a minute;
But a wish glows forever.
Here is my wish for a….
Glowing Diwali and 

     Life with you is like diwali, so lets promise to be together like this forever. Wish you a very Happy pongal"

   May This pongal be as bright as ever.
May this pongal bring joy, health and wealth to you.

May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives.
May this pongal bring in u the most brightest and choicest happiness

May this auspicious festival bring you
Overflowing happiness, joy and prosperity
Wishing you a blessed and happy Pongal!

  Wishing you a festival that will bring you prosperity and good luck
A joyous and blessed one as well that will bring you joy and happiness.
Have a prosperous and happ

Wishing you a pongal
That brings you luck and prosperity
Brings you the blessings
Happy pongal

Wishing you a pongal
That brings you luck and prosperity
Brings you the blessings
Happy pongal

As you shout Pongalo Pongal
To welcome the prosperity and wealth
along with the overflowing Milk
I wish you everlasting happiness and joy
Happy Pongal

Happy pongal quotes 2019

May this auspicious festival bring you
Overflowing happiness, joy and prosperity
Wishing you happy pongal
The sun shines bright
To guide and lead us the way
Towards bountiful harvest season
May you be blessed with prosperity and joy
Happy Pongal!

Celebrate this day with a heart
Filled with cheer and fervor
Sending my warmest greetings to you
And to your family and loved ones this Pongal.
Pongalo Pongal!
  Wishing you a pongal

That brings you luck and prosperity
Brings you the blessings
Happy pongal

Pongalo Pongal
May the warmness and joy of the festival
Spreads in your and your dears Heart
And let it spread to the nears
Like a pleasent pongal
Wishing you a pongal filled with fun and joy
Pongal Vazhthakal

Pongal is a great Festival
May God sun bless you continues
and give your great harvest again and again
Happy Pongal
Pongal marks joy and cheer and brings along everything that’s best. May the festival of harvest season be one that brings along with it all that’s best and everything you deserve..

May Pongal fill your life with sweetness! May God bless you with peace, prosperity, and happiness in your life on Pongal and always

Fainal word:
 I hobe you like my happp pongal quotes can also shere this happy pongal quotes your frind and your reletive  please coments your thoughts in comment section:😊


Monday, 8 October 2018

Happy Pongal 2019 Wishes Greetings – Pongal SMS Messages Quotes

Happy pongal 2019 wishes | Pongal wishes 2019|And Greatings. pongal wishes quotes.

In this blog I am shere with you happy pongal wishes can also read happy pongal wishes 2019 and I hobe you liked.

Happy Pongal 2019: The Tamilian festival of Pongal falls on January 14 this year. Pongal celebrations continue for four days and every  energy for cultivation that blesses them.
Happy Pongal different names like Thai Pongal in Tamil, Makar Sankranti in Telugu, Maghi in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarayan in Rajasthan and Gujarat, Magh Bihu in Assam, Makar Vilakku in Kerala. Sankranthi is a four-day festival  So, We have collected the best data of Happy  Pongal 2019 Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Sankranthi Quotes, Status, Cards from the .
In this blog we give best happy pongal 2018 wishes

happy pongal 2019 wishes _

Happy pongal qutes_happy pongal_images 2019 and et...

  In this blog i am share with you happy pongal wishes 2019.and I hobe you like this . Happy pongal wishes 2019 most popular quotes and happy pongal wishes 2019 imgae also shere this blog.I hobe you like.

Happy pongal wishes 2019👇

Happy pongal wishes 2019
Happy pongal 2019 

May happiness overflow on the auspicious occasion of Pongal, good luck enter your home and success touch your feet. Wishing you a very happy Pongal 2018.

May the auspicious festival of Pongal bring you great harvests in the years to come. Happy Pongal 2018.

Happy pongal wishes 2019

Happy Pongal to all of My Friends.
We thank the sun for burning_ himself to save us….
We thank plants _sacrificing their life for us.


               On this bounteous occasion May you celebrate with joy May happiness come to you In all abundance Happy Pongal!

                                                   Here s wishing you Happiness and prosperity On this Pongal May festivities be in galore


As you celebrate the festival of Pongal, with a lot of fervor and cheer, this warm greeting comes your way, with a world of good wishes for every joy and happines

May the mirth and merriment of the magical festival of lights give you endless moments of joy and love.Happy pongal 2019

Celebrate this day with a heart
Filled with cheer and fervor
Sending my warmest greetings to you
And to your family and loved ones this Pongal.
Pongalo Pongal!

Happy pongal wishes 2019☝️

What is pingal: .the harvest festival that is celebrated in January in Tamil Nadu when newly harvested rice is cooked and lofts of people enjoy this festival and celebration

Pongal is  vrey popular festival in tamil nadu and others States. In this year                

 Happy Pongal to all!
We thank sun for burning himself to save us.
We thank plants sacrificing their life for us.
And we thank all the creatures helping us to live in this world for some time.

May this auspicious festival bring you
Overflowing happiness, joy and prosperity
Wishing you a blessed and happy Pongal!

The sun shines bright
To guide and lead us the way
Towards bountiful harvest season
May you be blessed with prosperity and joy
Happy Pongal!

May the sweetness of overflowing milk and sugarcane
Fill your home with harmony and happiness
Wishing you the best and prosperous Pongal!

I pray that this festival may be the start of your brighter days
Filled with happiness, good luck and prosperity.
Happy Pongal!

My warm pongal wishes to you
Convey my regards to everybody
Enjoy Pongal and Feast
Pongal Vazhthakal

Wishing you a pongal
That brings you luck and prosperity
Brings you the blessings
Happy pongal

Let us thank the sun
For burning himself to give us life
Let us thank Plants
For sacrificing themself for us
Let us thank cattels and animals
For Helping us to sustain our life
Pongal Vazhthakal

Pongalo Pongal
May the warmness and joy of the festival
Spreads in your and your dears Heart
And let it spread to the nears
Like a pleasent pongal
Wishing you a pongal filled with fun and joy
Pongal Vazhthakal

May the love and affection
Overflows from your heart
like Pongal milk from the pot
Pongalo pongal

As you shout Pongalo Pongal
To welcome the prosperity and wealth
along with the overflowing Milk
I wish you everlasting happiness and joy
Happy Pongal

May happiness overflow on the auspicious occasion of Pongal, good luck enter your home and success touch your feet. Wishing you a very happy Pongal 2018.

May the auspicious festival of Pongal bring you great harvests in the years to come. Happy Pongal 2018.


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 In this blog I am shere with you happy pongal wishes 2019.and i hobe you like this .Also i shere you most happy pongal wishes 2019.please shere you thought in comment section